Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Man on the Moon

All Michael Richards, all week. And nobody mentions this golden moment of utter shit-headedness from back in the day.

I want me a silk tour jacket like Jack Burns.

If you are reading this post, that means Blogger and YouTube are working together again, the way it oughta be.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Your Good Dog, Richard

Whenever I think of Robert Altman, I think of this uncharacteristic movie. The always amazing Phillip Baker Hall plays Nixon on the eve of his resignation. He pulls out his revolver, a bottle of Chivas, and his favorite tape recorder and rambles off a letter to his late mother. Or his last will and testament. Or a suicide note. It's really hard to say.

Essentially, this is a filmed one-man show, and as such it lacks all the stuff we expect from Altman as far as densely-layered dialogue and soundtrack. But there's just a great interplay between camera and the language that it really takes the often stagy monologue to a place that's quite interesting. It's hard for me to imagine these lines sounding better on a stage.

Of course, if you're looking for a great obscure Altman film, it's hard to go wrong. Sad to lose another American original. Stupid cancer.

Another Hilda Plug

I plan to get one, as usual, for 2007. Don't you want one too?

At Least Michael Richards Only Died On Stage

I was saddened to read about the death of Walid Hassan in the Sunni-Shiite civil war in Iraq. If anyone finds some video of Walid or his show Caricature, please send it on. I want to see if it's funnier than the last Albert Brooks movie.

It's a Major Award

First the Ham-handed Parody Commercials...and now this. The ultimate N.G.O. around the El Brusco compound come Peacock Day.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Roll Me Over And Turn Me Around...

Made my week.

Hook 'Em, Phil!

Courtesy of (stolen from) cherryjet.

Tom DeLay's Seat Cover Redux

While Blogger wouldn't let me in last week, this was what I was reading. Houston Chronicle - the damn thing's fact-pact!

Is Blogger Back?

Well, I converted to the new Blogger. Then everything went black...

Are we back on yet?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Hungry for Victory

Mizzou quarterback Chase Daniel caught on camera. Oops.

Whatever, Weird Al...

Okay, the elections are over for a couple of years. Time to get back to the purpose of this blog: mindless chatter about other stupid shit I've found.

As a Texas Longhorn fan, Saturday night was not a whole lot of fun, football-wise. I blame this guy for knocking UT quarterback Colt McCoy out of the game with his songs. What other explanation could there be?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Off The Table?

Don't make any rash promises. Let's just start by accounting for all Bremmer's missing Coalition Provisional Authority and see where it goes from there, okay?

Personally, I'd be content to have a trial AFTER January 21, 2009. Does that work for you?

If You Can Stomach It...

The danger with owning a big, noisy, nasty dog is that it can snap and turn on its owner. On Wednesday while driving around Austin, I decided I'd make myself listen to Limbaugh and see how he was spinning the bloodbath.

After hearing Limbaugh say he was liberated from carrying the water for "people at the top of the Republican Party who don't deserve my support" the day after the election, I was intrigued by this rambling take on why the Republicans lost so completely on Tuesday.

Keep in mind that the exit polls show that the evangelical base turned out in roughly the same numbers as 2004.

I predict Rush'll be back on the Hillbilly Heroin by the time Pelosi's elected Speaker. If he's not already.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Blue Light Specials

Over at the Kinky Store, only the action figures are on sale at this point. It kinda makes me think the whole point of Kinky's campaign was to sell t-shirts, caps and mugs. He certainly can't have any campaign debt, can he?

Hot Tub Tom Can't Just Shut up

All I can think is that he must think he's got a future as a TV pundit. If I were looking at a prison sentence like Hot Tub Tom, I might do as my Dad often advised and "lay low until the heat's off."

His Hannity & Colmes appearance was more entertaining, but Murdoch's crack team of attorneys had it pulled down from YouTube before I could link to it. Bastards.

BTW, this is a new linking scheme to YouTube that should not crash your Safari browser. It works on mine, anyway. You really should get Firefox, anyway. If it works, I'll continue to use it. Call me a flip-flopper if you'd like.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Goodbye to That Frothy Mix...

I for one will not miss Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA). He will retire to a comfortable K Street lobbying position, but he will forever be a part of our American lexicon, thanks to the inimtable Dan Savage.

Au revoir, Senator.

Forget the Voting...Let's Settle This Like Men

This is Texas, where we take our electoral battles into our own hands.

Keep in mind, it's the Evangelical Christian who started the fight.

Hook 'em!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Congress Needs Courage

Here in the Lone Star State, we're looking at a virtual sweep for incumbent Republicans and further marginalization and demoralization of the Democratic Party and the Independent movement.

Our mid-term gerrymander was so well-engineered by Tom DeLay that it will stand as a monument to him for years to come. It's certainly more fitting than the statues and elementary schools that will never be built in his name.

I don't think we'll see a better chance to replace our terrible Republican incumbents anytime soon. After the 2003 re-districting, my own neighborhood was split, literally block-by-block, between Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin) and Rep. Lamar Smith (R-San Antonio). We were moved into Smith's district for the last term, but the courts have now moved us back into Doggett's for the next Congress.

In a way, I miss having the opportunity to work against Lamar Smith, who deserves to be sent immediately back to the private sector. Smith sits on the Ethics Committee, which means he actively ignored the dalliances of Tom DeLay, but also Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, William Jefferson, and Mark Foley, to name just the more obvious cases. Smith was a recipient of DeLay's campaign money and a contributor to his defense fund.

I will vote to re-elect Lloyd Doggett and I will be happy to be Represented by him in Congress. But I will miss the chance to vote for John Courage, a genuinely good candidate and certainly not a professional politician. I really do believe that if the courts had not removed this largely progressive slice of South Austin from Smith's district, we could have defeated him. Now, it's up to the rest of Lamar Smith's constituents to fire Smith's sorry, enabling ass.

Reality Has a Notorious Liberal Bias

Ladies and Gentlemen, once again Frank Rich in Today's NYT says everything so so very well this weird campaign season.

Friday, November 03, 2006

But tonight, we eat shrimp

If I should be so lucky, I would be 84 years old when we run out of seafood. I love eating seafood, and I'm sure I'll still want to eat some seafood at that sprightly age. If you are younger, and you also enjoy eating seafood, you might be concerned as well.

Less Bandwidth, More Crap

All video posts have been moved to sidebar as regular links instead of transfer-gobbling YouTube feeds. Who has time for that.

Anyway, belated Happy Halloween! You know how behind I can get.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Who Really Owes The Troops An Apology?

Find out how your representatives in Congress voted on issues that matter to veterans and those fighting on our behalf.

For the record, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison gets a D+. That's pretty bad, except that Senator John Cornyn managed to get a D-.