Dear NFL:
I am a white male, age 42, married, no kids, professional, self-employed, small-business owner with a decent income.
I watch football on TV, specifically NFL games and most specifically the Dallas Cowboys.
I purchase trucks, computers, razor blades, beer, salty snacks, pharmaceuticals, telecom services and just about everything else advertised during NFL broadcasts, except for joining the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines. I am part of a very desirable demographic for advertisers.
Tonight, I will not be exposed to any of your advertisers' product pitches because I will be listening to the Dallas Cowboys-Atlanta Falcons game on the radio. Or maybe not if there's something better on TV.
And it's all because you have chosen to hold me and the rest of my sought-after Men 18-54 advertising demographic up as a bargaining chip in your fight with Time-Warner Cable, my local provider.
Let's face facts: by choosing to be intractable with each other, both the NFL and Time-Warner have disrespected the audience. And the audience is your product that you sell to your advertisers. By prolonging this impasse, you are in effect attacking your future earnings.
Believe me, I'm plenty upset with Time-Warner, too, and I've let them know about it. But the NFL has the most at stake with your three year-old NFL Network. The NFL became the most popular, highest-rated televised sport in the USA by understanding the importance of reaching my demographic.
Do you really want to mess that up?
I would advise you to stop your pissing match, work this out right away, and seek a compromise. Your advertisers want me and my cohorts to buy their stuff.
Happy Chanuka,
El Brusco